“The citizen app”: MY EXPERIENCE SPACE!The aim of the app is to constantly provide up-to-date information about the target habitat (“news network”) and to ensure that it is always up to date. The population (citizens, municipalities, clubs, institutions, companies) is actively taken on board and all knowledge in the target living space is used.• Thanks to push notifications, no one misses the latest news and information. The app delivers news that automatically becomes push notifications and is therefore actively displayed directly on the smartphone. • The home screen was individually designed / graphically prepared and is strongly based on the graphic possibilities of websites• The data is prepared barrier-free according to the completely new specifications according to WCAG 2.1. (Requirement since June 23, 2021)• The apps are prepared responsively using “Mobile First” (automatic adaptation to screens)cm city media GmbH supports over 300 municipalities in the areas of websites, apps and municipal solutions. More about the living space concept at www.stadtsindwir.de.